Friday, July 30, 2010

self reflection // sonya kozlova

This photo of mine may not be the absolute strongest of my entire body of work, but I chose to post it because I felt it represented the new direction I have been inspired to take with my photography after these three weeks at MIAD. I came into this experience completely self taught, and always relying on the vintage filters and routine color manipulation I had been using on all my photos. I still to this day have the urge to manipulate my photos in this way, maybe because of my strong attraction to that antique, vintage, just-opened-up-your-grandmas-treasure-box-and-found-this-photo kind of image.What I've come to learn is that I've been completely distracting the viewer from what I was actually photographing. The "look" of my photos were, and maybe still a bit are, more attractive than their content. I am definitely just beginning to step away from this aesthetic addiction of mine, but these three weeks at MIAD have surely helped me jumpstart that for me. The photo above portrays my new sense of framing, minimal digital manipulation, and a clear focus on the subject. As I take photos from now on, I'm committed and looking forward to the results of my photographs with my new perspective that I have taken away from these three weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Just a hint... when it comes to photographers, I would check at the local college for some photography majors. They are going to be cheaper than many professional photographers, but their work will be just as stellar.

    colleges with photography majors
