Friday, July 30, 2010


Throughout these three weeks I have grown exponentially as an artist and a photographer. I came to this pre-college program with hope that I would gain more knowledge in not only digital photography, but also gain some added skills in the dark room. Never in my life would I ever think that I would be working with a 4 x 5 format camera. I've learned how to operate my camera, enlarge prints in the dark room, and even scan a negative onto photo shop to enlarge that to even bigger sizes.
I feel as if this class has taught me how to grow and expand my eye for photography. To look out for things I usually wouldn't photograph, and to take risks. If it wasn't for a few of my photo of the day photo's and my large format exposure, I do not think I would have pushed myself the way I did to photograph more buildings and landscapes.
Every where I go, and every where I look i'm starting to see everything as a photograph. Looking at ways I could make that photograph interesting to the viewers eye, and makes them think more into it than just glancing at it and moving on.

As I move on and grow as a photographer I look forward to experimenting even more with the subject matter that i'm shooting. To move away from the diagonal angel I seem to favor oh so much, and to really find my strong suit.

1 comment:

  1. I like the look of your blog and I'm going to do a similar thing with mine. Do you have the theme or where you get the theme from please?

    colleges with photography majors
